
Email: info@linkagecorp.jp

Expanding into Japan
with zero risk

Launch a Japanese base after signing a contract with a customer

Our program flow is:
1. lead generation
2. contact, appoint, presentation
3. closing, contract
4. launch a Japanese base

To save your money and minimaize your risk.

Our program 

1. Make a prospect list and revenue forcast
Who will buy your service?
When?  How much revenue?

2. Experienced BDR reach to the right person to get the needed information.

3. Generate warm leads list with intent sales

4. Experienced high skilled engineers will work as your employee.

It will be your risk
not try our no-risk trial plan!

Trial plan is including:
1.Lead generation, contents writing using AI

Who will be your clients?

2.Call/mail to arrange the meeting/gathering information
Experienced BDRs will reach

and get needed info

3.Market analysis report
Expected revenue, competitors info,
your advantage/weekness in the market

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  • ここをクリックして表示したいテキストを入力してください。

'contact to 1000 leads, competitors info, prospects info, market feedback'
trial plan with $1,000 

Our services

warm lead generation by Web search behavior 
contact by BDR and auto email system using AI

Experienced high skilled engineer for your SE or technical support

Contact us!


company profile

company name Linkage LLC.
Office address
Tonooka-bldg 3F, 21-9, Minami fujisawa, Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa Japan Zip251-0055
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